Government P.G. College Narayan Nagar has a well equipped library for all the students of all classes. Books are issued to college students under the following rules-
- Students will issue two books at a time depending on the availability of the required book.
- Generally books are issued for one month. On expiry of one month period, students may change the books.
- Students will have to return all the books of the library before the commencement of the examination and they will be issued “NO Dues” certificate to this effect. The no -dues certificate will not be issued without returning the books. From this session, cost of the books will not be realized at the time of issue no dues certificate.
- For issuance of the books from library, the students themselves have to be present. Books will not be issued without identity card.
- Time table will be framed for issuing books for the students of each class. Students will have to get the books issued by being present on date and time fixed. Time table for this purpose will be pasted on the notice board time to time.